mighty mouse in space

My Mouse Ate My Book

Yes, there was a time when the old marketing techniques really did work. A time when we were young, naive and carefree or maybe we were just more gullible.

Many marketing campaigns have already been altered to match the needs and methods of post disruption social media, much is just old marketing wrapped up in new clothes. However, we are witnessing more and more unique combinations of old and new techniques, worth paying attention to. The following stats show exactly what we mean when we say that traditional marketing has been disrupted significantly.

  • 86% mute the TV, change the channel or skip ads.
  • 90% of consumers trust brand recommendations from friends.
  • 75% of people don’t accept advertisements as truth.
  • 71% are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media referral.
  • Twitter is the number 1 channel for influencing a purchase of an electronic item.
  • 15 million consumers go to social media sites before making a purchase decision.
  • 79% of consumers like a Facebook company page if it offers discounts and incentives.
  • 78% of respondents said that companies’ social media posts impact their purchases.

The Old Techniques

With the rapid growth of technology, it’s fair to say that just about every wave of innovation has managed to transform traditional marketing. Of course the old techniques still come in handy. Every good marketer knows that the key to successful marketing is the fine combination between the tried & tested tools and experimentation.

Some of the old school techniques that were once very popular included; written distribution, cold calling, printed advertising and word of mouth marketing. [pl_blockquote pull=”right”]Word of mouth marketing (WOMM, WOM marketing), also referred to as word of mouth advertising, is commonly considered to be word of mouth referrals. Nowadays, due to the rapid increase in Internet use for communication and research, word of mouth referrals are an extremely powerful tool for both marketers and consumers.[/pl_blockquote]

The Transition

The way we communicate has changed drastically and the way word of mouth works today is different, much easier and far more effective – whether good or bad. Let’s not fool ourselves though – word of mouth, in order to be successful, needs commitment, a good strategy and serious amount of work.

It also requires one key ingredient – integrity. Research clearly shows that people’s’ purchasing decisions are not driven by ads; people listen to their peers, it’s as simple as that. We need to pay attention to how people communicate and where they are looking for their recommendations; it’s tweets, comments, shares and YoutTube links. Of course this is just old habits re-imagined, as before everything became electronic, written materials were distributed on a daily basis – newspaper, fliers, mail, etc. Now the daily distribution is different – people scroll down the Twitter and Facebook feeds, they catch up on blogs and press the mute on the ads during their TV shows. However, who we trust has changed and we no longer take everything a brand says at face value. Since the age of social media has given just about anyone the freedom to express their opinion online, the selection has to be made more carefully. Building a list of champions/influencers which match a business’s key demographics is one essential activity you should start right away.

The New Techniques

Social Media tools have introduced a new range of opportunities to marketers, allowing them to reach a much bigger audience, much faster. There are plenty of tools available to anyone. You can build a website, a blog and manage multiple social media channels.

Now you can promote your business via online ads, email newsletters, eBooks, podcasts, blogs, etc. These tools, many of which free to use, can help you gain new customers much faster. Forums are another commonplace source of word of mouth marketing, allowing strangers to share their knowledge and express opinion, thus acting as a bridge across time zones and continents. You are not limited to just a few friends’ opinions on a new book or a TV show, you can browse thousands of comments and feedback from users of different age, location and background.

The truth is, marketing is no longer about preaching from a pulpit. It is about communication, being social and finding multiple ways to engage with people. Listen to what your ideal clients and non-customers are saying. Find ways to let people engage with you, share your content and recommend you to those they trust. Build relationships and you will convert people to clients.

Whether you’d like to focus on the new marketing techniques only, or admit that a good strategy should be based on the traditional and the modern, one thing is certain: every customer is asking the same thing when it comes to your product or a service: What’s in it for me? Answer that and you will be on the right track.

For more advice on marketing, read our blog or call us for a custom approach and a special offer.

Sources of statistics: Hubspot Forbes Knowledge Networks Mashable

1 Comment

  1. Karly - Mint Online Marketing on 28th January 2014 at 3:39 pm

    Great post! You raise some very valid points here. The old ways of marketing simply aren’t working anymore and consumers don’t want to listen to brands who broadcast their services and products through TV, radio and newspapers (a one way communication tool.) It’s all about social now and people want to know they can trust a brand through referrals and engaging with the brand directly.

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