Social Media Marketing
The Changing Social Media Landscape: What Charities Can Do Next
Social media is shifting, and charities are feeling the impact. With increasing concerns about misinformation, the rollback of fact-checking protections, and unpredictable algorithm changes, many organisations are rethinking their reliance on social media platforms. Some have already left entirely, such as the Royal Society for Public Health, while others, like Greenpeace UK, are significantly scaling…
Read MoreThe Ten Commandments of Social Media Marketing
1. Thou Shalt Use Your Ears Before Thou Uses Thy Mouth Listen first. One of the most important aspects of social media marketing is listening. It’s essential that you know what people think about your sector, industry, product or service, what challenges they have, what solutions they need, what improvements they want and how your…
Read MoreWhere to, Google+?
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.” “I don’t much care where –” “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.” Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll You may have heard the news that Vic Gundotra, the chief…
Read MoreSocial Media From Scratch – Essential Action Steps
We find that many people who want to use Social Media for business purposes, like marketing or customer services, often dive in and start doing before they have applied any time thinking. When we start doing the social media marketing for a new client, it’s always quite exciting. Not only because we are starting from…
Read More8 Top Tips On How to Monitor Twitter Quickly And Effectively
You must have noticed that some of the best and brightest are using Twitter as a powerful listening tool. As Peter Drucker once said, and we paraphrase: it’s not only important to listen to what your customers say but also to your non-customers. We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again – Twitter is the…
Read More5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Social Media Marketing
Whether you are just testing the social media waters for the first time or you have been on Facebook and Twitter for years, we can bet you’d like to improve your social media marketing and the process of social media lead generation. Regardless of the type of business you run and where it stands on…
Read MoreThe Problem with Facebook
“The problem with Facebook is that it’s keeping things from you” – this is how Derek Muller, YouTube science vlogger, has nailed a major problem which Facebook users may or may not be aware of. Facebook filters the content your friends and family post and the content the pages you like post. You are left…
Read MoreHow Using an Agency Can Help You Get Better Results With Social Media
Social Media should be an integral part of your external and internal marketing and communications activities. Social Media tools can be used in a multitude of ways to aid communication within and between departments. Social Media can be an excellent tool for customer services. In fact the idea that Social Media is a discrete and…
Read More5 Major Social Media Trends for 2014
Wondering what comes next for Facebook, Google+, Twitter and the rest of the social media channels everyone’s told you are good for business? Seth Godin himself stated that “Social media is now part of our fabric of society, like mobile phones and computers – it’s a staple of our everyday life.” Roll up your sleeves,…
Read MoreSocial Media in Numbers – A Look Back at 2013
Facebook has reached 1.15 Billion+ total users With over 10 million Facebook apps and 250 billion photos uploaded every day. That’s a lot of selfies. 23% of users check their account more than 5 times a day. Are you one of them? 74% of marketers believe that Facebook is important for their lead generation. We…
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